From Newbie to Oh, là-là !
(Parisian French Club: Language, Culture and Lifestyle)
You enjoy yourself when you go to Paris, but picking up the language is crazy challenging.
You love French and you feel that you’ve tried almost everything to learn it in the past [so and so] years.
Maybe you feel that your ear is not tuned well and you find it really hard to understand French speakers, especially after being away from it for a long while.
Maybe you think that your pronunciation is terrible because you have no one to correct you.
Perhaps you already took some courses at Alliance Française, or took tutoring classes 1-on-1 or even went on an immersion.
Wherever you’re at, I’ll meet you there.
Knowing that you can’t communicate with the same elegance and humor in French can be discouraging.
Even a bit terrifying.
As a Parisian French language coach, and founder of the J’Ouellette® French Method, I help shorten that organic learning curve and lower the assimilation hurdles so you can relax, understand the French culture from inside out, and converse at a comfortable level – sooner rather than later.
If you’ve tried to learn French on your own before, you’ve likely experienced the point where you lose steam and give up on your practice… well, I’m here to keep you accountable through exclusive on-going support in our Facebook group where I answer all your tricky French questions.
“If you are considering learning French, Llyane is an expert in French pronunciation and guiding people through the best way to learn French. Since Llyane has learned other languages herself, she understands what it is like to be the student. Her ongoing encouragement helps me to continue my dream of being bilingual.”
“Truly a godsend solution for someone who needs to get somewhere fast and does not have a lot of time… lots of energy! So highly recommended!”
“Her lessons are so well designed like I always tell her they are “tongue twisting” because your tongue literally gymnasts and the words come out with perfect pronunciation! You will always learn something new in her lessons even if you have taken lessons from somewhere else before.The best part is that you are never overwhelmed by the course. It’s just up to the mark: not too little and not too much!”
“Llyane explains the rules of French in a way that makes sense and helps you naturally apply it to your learning. She has helped me gain confidence in speaking French properly. Llyane has a wonderful way of coaching her students. I was impressed with the lessons and will recommend her to anyone who is motivated to learn and speak French!”
“The rules of French build upon themselves and once she teaches you WHY it is said that way, it begins to make sense and you naturally apply it to the new things you are learning. I was most impressed with my lesson and will definitely recommend this to anyone wanting to speak french, needing a refresher, or traveling to France!”
“Llyane marries a systematic approach to learning with a refreshing, whimsical outlook on the subject of the French language as well as life in general. This “multidimensional” method opens the door to seeing the world around you in a new light almost as if by magic. The reality of what is happening to you as you move from the first lesson to the last is reminiscent of that fantastical journey of dreams. In short, the J’Ouellette system is much more than an online class. It is an experience that changes your perspective on life, inspires you to reach new goals and potentials, and allows you to relieve yourself of the rigid walls of traditional learning.”
“After just a couple of months, I’m able to correct my own pronunciation while speaking. My comprehension of spoken French has also improved because I now notice the little nuances in pronunciation. During a recent trip to Paris, I was able to say some things in French without getting puzzled looks from the Parisians.”
“I was apprehensive because I started with no knowledge of French. Llyane’s virtual French coaching has helped me learn how to read, write and speak French within a few months, so that I can move on to her more advanced classes. This is so much more valuable than learning phrases but not knowing what to say after someone responds to you in French.”
“After Llyane’s Master Class in Pronunciation I can hear the difference it has made in my pronunciation! Better still, I have become more aware of my pronunciation errors as I hear myself speak and can self-correct. The pronunciation class filled in the missing pieces for me. For the first time, I now see and hear the patterns, organization and structure behind the pronunciation of French words.”
“With just an hour or two, you can see improvement in yourself and learn to have fun with French! Llyane is absolutely amazing!”
Je m’appelle Llyane Stanfield.
I work with people who are ready to go outside of their comfort zone.
I think outside of the box to give you a solution to the unproductive learning patterns you didn’t know you had.
I know this works – it’s the exact process I use every time I start learning a language.
I am now learning Italian, Spanish and German and I know exactly how you feel, what you’re going through and this method works for me every time.
And it will work for you too!
FAQs |
1. How long is the program?
The program is 8 weeks. It requires around 1 hour/ week of self study. Of course, the more you put in, the faster you’ll reach your goal.
2. How much does it cost?
The equivalent of a Starbucks breakfast ($7.13 / day) for 8 weeks.
3. How is your course different from other methods of learning?
The problem with regular French courses is that they don’t work (evidenced by the fact that you are interested in something that does). With this course, I walk you through a 3-step process that is guaranteed to help you get relaxed, get motivated and most importantly, get started towards your bilingual year.
4. Why should I do this now?
Happiness is not a destination. It’s what happens when you pursue any meaningful goal and make significant progress toward your goal to be bilingual. Everything is at stake by not pursuing the transformation you want right now. You have the chance to hit the refresh button. That’s why getting this course now is so important.
5. Can I access everything all at once?
I do recommend going through the course in order, because each lesson builds on the previous ones. When you have all the material available it’s easy to get curious, and I’m here to take care of you and give you just the amount that is feasible and comfortable.
6. How is “Parisian” French different from other French?
Parisian French is what we call standard French: everybody in the World will understand you, and you have the advantage of knowing how to pronounce the French words using the rules of pronunciation and NOT learning one word at a time – which is frustrating and time consuming. If you want to sound Québecois, Belgian or Swiss, you can put on their accent and learn their specific idioms once you master the basics.
7. How much would I be able to speak after 8 weeks with you?
You will have a solid foundation for conversation, of course, depending on how much time you put into it on your own at home.
8. What level of proficiency is the course?
While we address basic topics of grammar, you’ll learn little-known techniques to help you use what you already know in conversation, regardless of your level of knowledge of the language.
9. What if I feel like I don’t have time for this?
Can I be frank?
You have to figure out what’s important. Unfortunately too many of us sacrifice the “important” on the altar of the “urgent” and we never get to those things that really matter. If you want to make the kind of progress you’re after, you have to reverse that. Also, there is no ‘behind’ in the course – you can download the lessons and practice at your own pace – plus, you will be a lifetime member of the community, so you can catch up when you become available again.
10. Do I need to know French before I start this program?
You can use this program to introduce yourself to the basics of the language, or you can use it to brush up on your rusty French and get in shape to get by in your next trip to Paris.
By the end of this course, you’ll know exactly what your next step is toward your bilingualism. But more than that, you’ll have the confidence to make it happen.
If your New Year’s resolution was to learn another skill, and French is on your list, then this is for you!
If you have trouble with conversation, no matter your level, then you are in the right place.
If you want to become fully bilingual in 2 months, then this program is not for you. You’ll have the tools and techniques to get there, but it takes a while to master a second language.
During this cute little program, you will be introduced to my signature J’Ouellette® Method which I use with my VIP 1-on-1 students, and here are, just a couple of them, raving about it:
“Llyane is a fantastic teacher!
In 5 short weeks I have noticed a tremendous improvement in my spoken French abilities – in terms of vocabulary development, accent and grammar, and have started getting lots of compliments from native French speakers on my French!
I highly recommend Llyane as an instructor. Her methodology works. At the end of each class my confidence was improved and I had fun doing it. I can’t recommend her enough.”
Trish MacDonald
“This is just to say that after five weeks of taking Llyane’s Course I took myself by surprise speaking French, automatically and without thinking!
I was in a cafe in an English speaking area [of the city] and was at the counter ready to order my lunch and pay for it.
The woman working at the counter spoke French to me (she is French but speaks English typically as she is in an English area) for some reason (maybe I look French?) and I spoke right away back to her in French, ordering my sandwich and coffee. She asked me a couple of questions about my order and I responded in French! She understood me, and didn’t change to English so I must have spoken correctly! She kept on speaking French, telling me my total amount to pay, and I understood everything she said! There was no fear, no hesitation, no second guessing, no translating in my head first, just plain French coming out of my mouth!
Afterwards, once I sat down, I was so proud of myself.”
Catherine Parker
“I am so grateful for Llyane Stanfield and her French program.
She is the best French teacher/coach I have found. She is patient, compassionate, knowledgeable and her style of teaching is excellent.
I am not an easy student to work with and she worked with me through all of the challenges with grace.
If you have had language classes before in the typical style that most classes are in, you will be delightfully surprised that Llyane’s teaching style is very different and I believe much better than your typical language courses. She has you speaking in French immediately.
Whether you are new to French or want to improve upon your current skills, I highly recommend you work with her. She is a valuable delight!”
Kimberly Palm
But what happens if the self-study program doesn’t work for you? What if the approach is not suitable with your style of learning?
First of all, please don’t sign up if you are planning to get a refund. I offer you a 30-day money back guarantee to give you full confidence and peace of mind, but I am certainly interested in coaching students who are 100% committed.
This said, I invite you to fully participate in the J’Ouellette® From Newbie to Oh, là-là ! program for 30 days, and if you don’t feel you made an improvement in your French speaking skills, I would be happy to refund your money.
TRÈS IMPORTANT: If you register for the program and ask for a refund, I will request all of your completed homework (dictée, exercices). Refunds are processed in your fifth week with me – no exceptions. This is a very hands-on program! No homework done – no refund.
It’s time to take action!
When such a short program, which costs a Starbucks breakfast / day, could give you the key to the doors you couldn’t open until now, why postpone it for yet another year?
And just so you know, I may raise the price of the program, because I add more valuable content each time I run it.
Let me remind you why you came here in the first place (click “PLAY!”), I’m sure it will help you make the decision to join us:
In Troy’s words:
“I just want to talk a little bit about the wonderful week that I’ve had with Llyane in Paris, the culture that I’ve been exposed to. Obviously I’ve came here to be immersed in the language, but this was more than the language, it was the culture, it was the life of Parisians. I know for sure that I would not have had this experience without Llyane and we also met a very good new friend named René-Gustave who’s also very charming and took an exceptional trip and made it even a little bit better. We had just an amazing time.
I would say to anyone who’s considering coming with Llyane in Paris that if you have some doubts, that’s natural, I’ve had my own doubts but what I’ve learned, what I’ve taken away from this is that I know the language better than I thought I did, and knowing the language even a little bit made this trip to Paris, which I’ve had many in the past, much richer, and its a very good experience not only interacting with the citizens in Paris, ordering food, talking to the great people of Paris in the street but going to Louvre and the cooking class we did it’s just a richer experience. There’s no way to describe it.
The best way to know what I’m talking about is to come here yourself. . . so we’ve had, like I said, we’ve had an amazing time, so definitely I’ll be coming back to Paris, and if she’ll have me, I’ll come back to Paris with Llyane as well. It inspired me to study the language even more, probably more intensively because now I see that it’s within reach and I would say that almost every doubt I’ve had about learning French dissolves, and I’ve certainly fallen in love with Paris and its people.”

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